现场签注(F) - two or more subjects which, considered as a single area of study, represent a wider and broader scope than that of a subject
主题背书(S) —学校教授的特定课程或狭窄范围的课程
你可以在以下任何一种背书中注册TCP,无论是否有学校提供的就业机会 .5 to 1.0 FTE in the endorsement area:
- 第PK-12 (F)条
- 生物7-12 (S)
- BMIT (业务, Marketing, Information 技术) 6-12 (F)
- 化学7-12 (S)
- English Language 艺术 7-12 (F)
- 健康 & PE pk-12 (f)
- 7-12 (S)
- 数学6-12 (F)
- Middle Level English Language 艺术 5-9 (S)
- Middle Level Mathematics 5-9 (S)
- Middle Level Science 5-9 (S)
- Middle Level Social Science 5-9 (S)
- 音乐PK-12 (F)
- Physical 教育 PK-12 (S)
- Physical 教育 7-12 (S)
- 物理7-12 (S)
- 中学英语7-12 (S)
- 社会科学7-12 (F)
- World Language 7-12 (S) French
- World Language 7-12 (S) German
- World Language 7-12 (S) Spanish
只有当你被一所学校提供教学工作时,你才可以在以下背书之一中注册TCP .5 to 1.0 FTE in one of these endorsement areas:
- Agricultural 教育 6-12 (F)*
- Earth and Space Science 7-12 (S)
- 科学7-12 (F)
- 声乐PK-12 (S)
- World Language - 7-12, K-12 (S) (All 语言)
注意: Certification in Elementary 教育 or Special 教育 is not 目前 pursuable through the Transitional Certification Program.
注意: 请注意,一些轻罪和重罪定罪可以阻止申请人参加体育菠菜大平台教师教育计划并获得内布拉斯加州教学证书. If you have ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, even if it has been set aside, 请联系 珍妮央斯基, Certification Officer, for more information.
Follow the steps below to determine if you qualify:
1. 完成 Request for 记录审查 form. (The completion of this form does not admit you to the program, nor does it authorize your transcripts to be sent automatically.)
2. 有正式成绩单, sent by each institution from which you have received college credit, to:
内布拉斯加大学 Kearney
1910 大学 Drive- CMCT 210
电子邮件: unktcp@bradyallen.net
审查完成后,您将通过申请表上列出的电子邮件收到您的学习计划以及下一步的步骤. (See Program Admission Requirements below.)
认证的实践科目评估(有时称为内容测试或实践二世). View the complete information on Nebraska test requirements, including how to register.
- 实践 Subject Assessment (aka Content Test or 实践二世实践科目评估是在认可项目结束时进行的内容测试. It is strongly recommended that you 取 the test prior to enrolling in TE 835/TE 836.
- 实践科目评估分数发送到体育菠菜大平台使用分数收件人代码6467. 如果不提供你的及格分数,你将没有资格获得认证. Information about the 实践 tests can be found at: www.美国教育考试服务中心.org/praxis.
体育菠菜大平台提供了几种 free test preparation resources for the 实践 Subject Assessments. See these most recommended resources:
请了解,每个教育项目都包含大量的实地经验小时(在PK-12学校环境中观察和/或教学的时间)。. 现场经验包括:
- 至少100小时(每学期35小时)的预科教学实习. 几乎无一例外, 申请初始教师资格证书的个人必须在正常上课时间(上午8点至下午4点)的特定日子上课。. 我们的许多学生都可以通过休假或弹性工作时间来实现这一目标.
- A student teaching experience. 学生教学是一个全天(上午8点至下午4点)/整个学期(最少16周)在PK-12学校设置的经验. 学生 with a teaching permit may meet this requirement in their classroom.
- Three 6-credit hour classes, 取n in sequence one per semester, 总共有18个最大的菠菜的平台在线学习学分(包括三个学期完成的至少100个实习学时).
- One 6-credit hour semester of student teaching.
- A total of 24 graduate credit hours of professional education coursework.** To estimate your financial commitment, please see our 学生账户 网站,并留意 学费 link. You may also want to visit our 金融援助 website for loan and scholarship information.
Depending on previous academic work completed, 在选择的特定背书领域可能需要额外的课程. 所需的额外课程将在学习计划中注明,该计划将在审查成绩单后通过电子邮件发送给您.
**这个在线 24-credit-hour 专业教育课程至少可在两个学年内完成:
Non-Teaching (not under a permit)
Teaching (teaching on a permit) 学生
- TE 831: Professional Knowledge and Skills I - 6 credit hours
- TE 832: Professional Knowledge and Skills II - 6 credit hours
- TE 833: Context of 教育 - 6 credit hours
- TE 836: 临床实践: Post-Baccalaureate Student Teaching - 6 credit hours
- (Fall or Spring; online with one Professional Development Day held on campus 要求)
我们将安排学员在当地或附近的学校系统完成他们的实习时间. 已受雇于学区的项目参与者将在他们所受雇于的学校系统中完成实习和学生教学, 在自己的教室里. 因为实习安排是与全州参与的学校系统和社区一起制定的, 体育菠菜大平台的过渡认证计划是提供给参与者谁实际居住在内布拉斯加州或通勤距离内布拉斯加州的学校系统.
所选教学认可领域所需的内容课程必须在开始专业教育课程序列之前完成75% (75%), 然后是2.75 minimum GPA in your content/endorsement area coursework. 一旦你有资格, 你有资格报名参加该计划第一个课程的下一个可用部分(秋季/春季).
寻求初始认证的学生必须正式进入我们的教师教育计划. 参加过渡认证课程的学生通常在参加TE 831或TE 832课程时符合资格. 参观 Educator Certification Office website for a list of program admission requirements.
在线 协调员 & 学术的教练
电子邮件: fixkj@bradyallen.net
Dr. 丽贝卡·纳尔逊博士.D
电话:308 - 8658871
电子邮件: nelsonrm@bradyallen.net
大学 内布拉斯加州的科尔尼
教育学院 Building